
The Shadow Reader Hardcover and Audiobook

Created by Sandy Williams

A fae urban fantasy perfect for readers who love epic swordfights, high stakes, and enemies-to-lovers romance.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

The Shattered Dark Audiobook is here!
about 1 year ago – Mon, Feb 13, 2023 at 08:07:07 AM

Hello! It's been a LONG time. Every item in this Kickstarter was distributed last summer EXCEPT The Shattered Dark Audiobook, which was one of the stretch goals we hit! Everyone who pledged $30 and up should already have this in your inboxes. 

I'm sorry it took so long to get this produced--my narrator had some scheduling issues--but the third and final book of the trilogy should be ready much more quickly. Hopefully before summer hits!

If you read and loved The Shadow Reader Novels, you might also love my other books. Best prices are direct at my website, If this is your first time ordering from my site, enter the code NEWREADER20 at checkout for 20% off.

And if you'd like to keep in touch, head over to my Rebel Readers group. I'll be doing a giveaway this week, so it's the perfect time to join.

I hope you guys enjoy your new audiobook! Thanks again for your support! <3


It's time for an update!
over 1 year ago – Thu, Oct 06, 2022 at 07:40:17 AM

Several of you are waiting on your signed copies of Bound by Bloodsong. I *thought* I had ordered the books. Amazon is typically very slow with delivering copies to authors (as opposed to normal Amazon customers), so I thought they were just really, really behind schedule. I checked on the status this week and...nothing is in my orders. So either there was a technical glitch or a glitch in my brain.

Anyway, my apologies for the delay. They are now ordered and the estimated delivery date is October 18-19th (See! Super slow delivery!). Then I have to sign them and mail them to those of you who added them to your Kickstarter carts.

The other thing we're all waiting on is The Shattered Dark Audiobook! This was a stretch goal we met, and I spoke with my narrator earlier in the week and she's finished with recording and waiting to get it back from the audio narrator. Once she sends me the files, I have to review them, which will take some time. But once they're reviewed, edited, reviewed again and all good to go, they will go out to those of you who backed at the $30 level and up.

In the meantime, if you're needing an audiobook for your work commute, a roadtrip. cleaning the house, etc. lol, The Shadow Reader is up at my new website! The site is still a work in progress, but all my ebooks are there now as well as the TSR audiobook. Just head on over to*

That's all for now! I'll let you know when the signed copies of Bound by Bloodsong are in the mail. Again, super sorry about the long wait for that!



Recently Backed

I loooove backing creators on Kickstarter! Here's one that I recently backed and another I'm following for when it goes live:

The Feyland Trilogy Special Edition Hardcovers

Fey and portals and pretty new covers? Yeah. I'm in.

Slay the Spire...the board game???

This is the game I'm addicted to on my phone. I routinely have to completely delete it (and all my winning data) because I played it so much. And, yes, I beat the heart multiple times with all four characters. I haven't, however, accomplished all the extra goals. But only because I keep deleting it. lol Anyway, the board game can't be as addicting as the phone game, but I'm super curious to see if it's fun.

* Shades of Treason, the first book in urban-fantasy-in-space trilogy (or space opera if you prefer), is free on my site as well. If you guys decide to download it or anything else, I'd love to know how the process goes for you. Is it easy? Confusing? I still have a lot of work to do on the site so I can continue to make tweaks and changes. 

Everything is delivered!
almost 2 years ago – Wed, Jul 27, 2022 at 03:33:51 PM

Check your mailboxes and front porches! The post office and FedEx tell me that everything has been delivered! Woohoo!

If you haven't received your package or if anything is wrong, please let me know. I want to make sure everything you received is perfect.

Thanks again for supporting my Kickstarter! This was so much fun!

Everything has shipped!!!
almost 2 years ago – Sun, Jul 17, 2022 at 04:23:59 AM

I finally mailed All The Things! Woohoo!

Everything was in the mail by Monday. A lot of you have already received your packages. Others are still in transit (especially non-US addresses). I'm so excited for yall to get your books and swag!

If there are any mistakes, let me know. I *think* I did it right, but this being my first time with Kickstarter/Backerkit, I'm nervous I messed something up.

Actually, I know I messed a couple of things up. At least one of you will get two copies of The Shadow Reader. I figured that out after I boxed everything up, and it would have been way too difficult to reopen and take the extra book out. So lucky you!!! lol

Also, I'm wondering if I could have done something differently when I used PirateShip to mail. It looks like Backerkit allows me to upload a CSV with backer ID #s and tracking numbers for shipments. But I didn't put IDs into PirateShip, so I can't simply upload the CSV to give you all the tracking numbers. If you haven't received your package and you want your tracking number, send me a message and I can look that up for you.

But, YAY! Kickstarter complete! Except for Bound by Bloodsong, that has a new release date of September 13th. I'm still writing the last bit of it, but the wait will be worth it! And I'll email the paperbacks just as soon as they are ready.

The only other thing that most of you will get is the audiobook for The Shattered Dark. My narrator will start recording soon. I'm not sure how long that will take, but I'll keep you guys updated.

Thanks again for all your support! You guys are the best!!!


Sooo close to shipping!
almost 2 years ago – Sat, Jul 02, 2022 at 09:00:17 AM

All the paperback books arrived this week! And the hardcovers are FINALLY on the way! 

 Obviously, I'm running behind on my schedule. I honestly thought I'd have everything out by the end of May. I anticipated shipping delays; I didn't anticipate formatting issues. In the past, I've formatted using Vellum via Macincloud. All you need to know about that is that it's SLOW and a huge HEADACHE. So I jumped on board with a new formatting software that can be used by anyone.

Overall, it's been FANTASTIC. When it works, it's soooo easy to use and fast. But I kept finding little issues, like ellipsis (...) being on their own line, backwards quotation marks, weird looking drop caps, etc. I can't stand for there to be any errors in my books, so seeing those made me cringe. It sometimes took days to work out an error, only to find out that my change randomly created errors elsewhere. In short, it took forever to correctly format my books. (God, I hope their correct. I've flipped and flipped through the paperbacks looking for mistakes but they look great now. (If you ever find typos in my books, please contact me directly so I can fix them. I really, really hate typos, but no matter how many billions of people proof my books, those little suckers always manage to sneak through.)) 

 Anyway, my apologies for taking so long to get everything to you guys. I'm packaging things up this week and should have everything in the mail by July 10th.

Oh, one last thing. You all should have all the digital rewards. If you're missing something or can't open it, let me know and I'll figure it out.

Thank you so much for your patience! I've learned a ton in this first Kickstarter and the next one will go super smoothly.

Now for fun stuff! I freaking love Kickstarter so much, and I love getting book stuff in the mail! I just received Erin Casey's Purple Door District with art and a pin and I totally didn't know it was coming in the mail last week, so it was a fun surprise! Here is the most recent campaign I've backed:

Omnibus for Dark Tides by Candace Osmond

Okay, technically I haven't backed this one yet, but that's only because I'm trying to talk myself out of spending All The Money. I'm trying to decide how mad my husband will be at me lol. But I really want that funko pop doll. Or the mystery box. Or all the things! I'm mostly torn between funko pop and mystery. What to do, what to do.